Saturday, May 28, 2011

Will I Have Good Stuff?

Jim and I went to two estate sales yesterday.  The first one was in this charming condo complex.  The units all had small courtyards in the front and cute patios in the back.  My shopping list includes books, pots for my garden and a wood desk in need of love as I’m looking for a transformation project.

As I walked from room to room a thought came to mind.  Someday, there are going to be strangers   walking through the rooms in my house.  What will they think?  Will they think I have good stuff? I realized I was walking into some of the pages of this person’s life.  Who was she?  I could tell she loved anything country.  Country everywhere, from her kitchenware, to her bedding, to her furniture and her accessories.  I could also see her love of reading.  There were several bookcases filled with books.

Her garage revealed her love of Christmas.  It was filled with Christmas ornaments and Christmas decorations.

At some time in her life she must have loved to entertain.  She had a huge set of dishes and lots of cookware, serving dishes and more.  The woman running the estate sales said that on Thursday they had brought the entire content of a storage unit and she had sold two thirds of it the same day.  How much stuff do we really need?  What was left from Thursday filled the entire house.  It’s no wonder she needed a store unit.

The second estate sale was completely different.  I could see this lady had excellent taste.  She had beautiful furniture, some very interesting accessories, beautiful classic clothes and various leather bags, some very cool retro furniture too.   Interestingly enough, her possession did not reveal as much about her as the previous house.

So I wonder?  When I’m gone and strangers walk through my house, what story will my possessions tell about me?

Will they be able to see my love of travel?  Will they be able to see how much I enjoy gardening, baking,  reading  and cooking?    Will I have good stuff?

What will your things say about you?

1 comment:

  1. They will see you have great taste! love you, momma!
