Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Retired Rabbit

As you know, Jim and I live in a 55+ community.  This means that most people here are older and retired.  Life is so peaceful here.  I truly enjoy it.
One of the things that I enjoy so much during my morning walk is the frequent sightings of wild life.  It is not unusual to see beautiful ducks just hanging out in front of a neighbor’s house, nor is it unusual to see a coyote early in the morning, just cruising one of the golf courses.  But the most often seen animal is the rabbit.  I must see twenty to thirty or more rabbits any given day.   They always look “On Guard” ready to run off at the slightest noise.  Except for this particular day when I spotted the “Retired Rabbit”  he looked like he was just enjoying a beautiful cool morning.  I could not believe my eyes so I had to take this picture.

Life is good my friends.

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