Saturday, May 28, 2011

Will I Have Good Stuff?

Jim and I went to two estate sales yesterday.  The first one was in this charming condo complex.  The units all had small courtyards in the front and cute patios in the back.  My shopping list includes books, pots for my garden and a wood desk in need of love as I’m looking for a transformation project.

As I walked from room to room a thought came to mind.  Someday, there are going to be strangers   walking through the rooms in my house.  What will they think?  Will they think I have good stuff? I realized I was walking into some of the pages of this person’s life.  Who was she?  I could tell she loved anything country.  Country everywhere, from her kitchenware, to her bedding, to her furniture and her accessories.  I could also see her love of reading.  There were several bookcases filled with books.

Her garage revealed her love of Christmas.  It was filled with Christmas ornaments and Christmas decorations.

At some time in her life she must have loved to entertain.  She had a huge set of dishes and lots of cookware, serving dishes and more.  The woman running the estate sales said that on Thursday they had brought the entire content of a storage unit and she had sold two thirds of it the same day.  How much stuff do we really need?  What was left from Thursday filled the entire house.  It’s no wonder she needed a store unit.

The second estate sale was completely different.  I could see this lady had excellent taste.  She had beautiful furniture, some very interesting accessories, beautiful classic clothes and various leather bags, some very cool retro furniture too.   Interestingly enough, her possession did not reveal as much about her as the previous house.

So I wonder?  When I’m gone and strangers walk through my house, what story will my possessions tell about me?

Will they be able to see my love of travel?  Will they be able to see how much I enjoy gardening, baking,  reading  and cooking?    Will I have good stuff?

What will your things say about you?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Retired Rabbit

As you know, Jim and I live in a 55+ community.  This means that most people here are older and retired.  Life is so peaceful here.  I truly enjoy it.
One of the things that I enjoy so much during my morning walk is the frequent sightings of wild life.  It is not unusual to see beautiful ducks just hanging out in front of a neighbor’s house, nor is it unusual to see a coyote early in the morning, just cruising one of the golf courses.  But the most often seen animal is the rabbit.  I must see twenty to thirty or more rabbits any given day.   They always look “On Guard” ready to run off at the slightest noise.  Except for this particular day when I spotted the “Retired Rabbit”  he looked like he was just enjoying a beautiful cool morning.  I could not believe my eyes so I had to take this picture.

Life is good my friends.

It's Raining Fruit

I noticed an interesting thing in our neighborhood.  Most people have some sort of fruit tree and most people have three or more.  Take us for instance, we moved here less than a year ago but we are the proud owners of five fruit trees.  All of which we planted earlier this year.
The unusual thing, in my opinion, is that people  have them as ornamental trees.  Everywhere I go I see fruit on the ground.  It’s a shame. 
Last year, we noticed that two houses down from ours was a vacant house with an orange tree in the front yard right by the sidewalk.  Towards the end of the year the tree was covered with beautiful oranges.  No one was picking them and soon they started to fall from the tree.
I decided that we would make use of them.  Next thing you know, my sister and I are picking tons of oranges from the tree.   Over the next couple of months my friends and family also became the beneficiaries of the fruit from the abandoned orange tree. 
Last Saturday, while coming back from my morning walk, I saw this lady cutting some branches of a grapefruit tree and she had several grapefruits on the ground.  I asked her if I could buy some of them and she replied that I could have them as she was going to toss them in the trash.  She said they weren’t good.  I took a couple to try them.  As soon as I got home, I cut one up and they were sweet and juicy and delicious.  I then went back and asked her if I could have the rest?  By then, she had put them in the trash.   I could not believe it, beautiful fruit in the trash.  I pull them out of the can and brought them home and made a pitcher of grapefruit juice.   Who knew, one person’s trash is another person’s breakfast juice.

Another tree I see here a lot is the Olive.  They are everywhere.  There is one near our house shaped like a mushroom but the olives go to waste. The other day I was walking by the golf course and something hit me on the head.  It was an olive.  Just look at the sidewalk.

I need to come up with an idea.  Maybe I can bring them home and brine them.  I’ll have the give that some thought.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Garage Sales

Back when I lived in the San Diego area, I would often see "Garage Sale" signs on the weekends.  Not so in our new town.  Here the sales begin on Thursday and continue through the weekend.  But that's not all.  I get the feeling that they are a social event in our  neighborhood.  I know this for a fact.  I had a garage sale soon afte we moved to this house in an attempt to get rid of many unwanted items.  Not only was it a success but we made some friends at the same time.  A couple with kids stoped by and stayed for around two hours, just chatting with us.  Another neighbor stayed for about half hour and many others stayed around for a while too.

Around a month ago, my mother, who lives a few blocks away, had a garage sale too.  I went over to help and the same thing happened.  Three different people came by and each stayed at least one to two hours.

That being said, I have to share with you a wonderful find that I came upon on a Thursday morning during one of my walks. 

This beautiful chair is one of two that I purchased at a garage sale for $10.00 each.  They are made by Nichols & Stone and new, they sell for around $395.00 each.  All in all, a real bargain.  I just love them.